10 Strategies to Grow Your E-Commerce Business This Year

March 11, 2020

10 Strategies to Grow Your E-Commerce Business This Year

Ecommerce has taken the simple act of buying and selling online to the next level. Shopping online has become beneficial to the end user and profitable for businesses.

In 2019, the e-commerce industry saw impressive growth with goods and services bought by shoppers via desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Online shopping is growing so fast that the global online shopping market size is predicted to hit $4 trillion by 2020. And in the US alone, we’re expecting to have 300 million online shoppers in 2023. That’s 91% of the entire country’s population!

While the projections for the upward growth of the eCommerce industry are promising, it all boils down to what they mean for your business. How can you make your online business reach new heights? What new strategies should you incorporate into it to increase sales, achieve better brand recognition, and get more leads? To get answers to these questions, here is a list of strategies or tactics to help you grow your e-commerce business this year.

  1. Identify and Learn about Your Customers

Your first priority for success in the online marketplace is to identify who your potential customers are and get to know everything about them. The better you understand who they are or what they want, the better you will be able to present and formulate your product strategies for them. With that, your e-commerce site will generate more traffic, sales, and profits.

By getting to know your customers, you should deeply understand their buying behaviors and use that information to push products. Learn something new about them every time, and soon you will have a strategy for success.

  1. Promote through Intelligent Content

Content Marketing power shouldn’t be belittled because it is one of the most reliable tools to drive traffic to your store. Content means publishing information about your store and products, but it also includes video presentations. In fact, the more visuals you can show your customer, the more likely they are to buy. Using the right keywords and meta tags will boost rankings on search engines.

  1. Implement Email Marketing

Email Marketing is a surefire way to reach your target customers and promote your business. With email marketing, you could reach out to your customers about promotions, new products, etc. According to a study, 60% of marketers saw a positive return on investment due to email marketing. Email marketing is essential to the success of any e-commerce business.

  1. Utilize Social Media

Everyone is always on social media, so why not use it to generate more leads? Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can greatly benefit your online business, especially if you’re just starting out. It is a great way to promote your products by utilizing your creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to gain more exposure to your target audience.

  1. Mobile Compatibility

The e-commerce sites have two options to display their products: the website and the web app. The website option takes a bit of extra time to find the store, login with details, and then the shoppers can go for a purchase, whereas a mobile app saves your details with the first time you log in and becomes faster to navigate.

With or without a mobile app for your e-commerce store, mobile compatibility will always be important. If you do not have a mobile-friendly platform for your store, be prepared to see a dramatic drop in sales in the years to come.

  1. Web Application Maintenance

Maintenance is as essential to an online business as it is to a physical store. The only difference is that instead of physically fixing the store, you need to upgrade or fix aspects of your website and web applications. This means regular changes to the look and feel of the store, creating new content, upgrading features to current standards, and employing new tools to add to the convenience of the customer.

  1. Increase Trust and Credibility

An online customer is looking for an e-commerce store that is trustworthy, which means having good service and products and one where customers get what they pay for. This can be done by allowing previous purchasers to leave ratings and reviews about the products they bought or by emphasizing return and delivery policies. This way, new customers will trust you and your product.

  1. More Images, Better Desirability

A picture is worth a thousand words, so the more images of a product you have, the better your chances of making a sale. In order to increase conversions, you should use images that allow shoppers to see every single detail of your product. They should be able to view the product from different angles so that they can make sure it’s really what they want. Preferably, you should include a 360-degree view of the product to properly entice and convince shoppers.

  1. Imply Customer Service

While online shopping has become very convenient for users, there will come a time when they will need support and assistance from you, whether to get queries answered, to place an order, to check order status, to return a product, etc. Your business should be able to provide them with customer service that satisfies their needs and answers their issues.

  1. Consider Outsourcing

With a lot of tasks to be accomplished to improve your eCommerce business, you can consider outsourcing to an expert eCommerce support services provider that will facilitate your IT, product information management, image editing, and digital marketing operations. With this, you can focus more on your primary business aspects.

In conclusion, understanding and incorporating these strategies into your business model will surely be a step in the right direction. If you need assistance growing your e-commerce through these strategies, we can definitely help you with it. We are a digital agency offering various online services and web and mobile app development. Get in touch with us today.

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