Taking Your Business to the Next Level Using Lead Generation

October 25, 2019

Taking Your Business to the Next Level Using Lead Generation

Big or small, businesses depend on leads. If you’re a salesperson, you're always on the lookout for more leads. And if you’re a marketer, you’re discovering new ways to generate them. On this page, we’ll take a deep dive into every aspect of lead generation and how it can take your business to the next level.

Let us start with what a lead is and cover the definition of lead generation, why you need it, its processes, and how you generate leads.

What is a Lead?

A lead is an individual or organization that expresses interest in a product or service that a company offers in some way, shape, or form. The interest is expressed by sharing contact information, like an email ID, a phone number, or even a social media handle.

Let’s take for example a person takes an online survey about apple products and how you like them. After a day, or later, the person receives an email from Apple that is all about the new Macbook Pro, its benefits and tech features, and more importantly, a button that says "Buy". This process would be far less interrupting than if they'd just randomly call the person with no knowledge of whether they even care about Apple products, right? This is what it's like to be a leader.

And from a business perspective, the information collected from that person from the survey helps a company personalize that opening communication to address interests or existing problems and not waste time calling random people who aren’t interested in your products or services at all.

What is Lead Generation?

While a lead is an individual, Lead generation, on the other hand, is the process of finding those individuals (or leads) who’re likely to become your customers because they have indicated interest in your company's product or service.

"Finding" people implies gathering data about them, like their name, email ID, or organization’s name, all of which you can use to initiate a business relationship with them. You can generate leads organically and/or by spending money, depending on your resources. Some examples of lead generators are live events, sign-up forms on sites, job applications, blog posts, coupons, etc.

These are only a few examples of lead generation strategies, but there are a lot more.

Lead Generation is about finding unique ways to attract people to your business. You should provide them with goodies to get them naturally interested in your company, so they eventually warm up to the brand enough to want to hear from you.

That's exactly what lead generation is: It's a way of warming up prospective customers to your business and getting them on the path to eventually wanting to make a purchase on your products or services.

Why Do You Need Lead Generation?

Lead Generation enormously benefits your business in a lot of ways. The transition from stranger to customer is one thing.

When strangers complete an online form, survey, comment on posts, etc., they initiate communication with you by showing organic interest in your business.

As you can see in the diagram below, having strangers’ interest is a fundamental point in an individual's journey to becoming a lead and eventually a delighted customer.

Lead Generation Diagram

Lead Generation Process

Now that you understand what Lead generation is, let’s walk you through the steps of the Lead Generation Process.

  1. The first step is attracting leads to your website by generating engaging content such as blog posts, photos, online forms, or whatever else would fit your business and your audience that can be shared throughout your various marketing channels.

  2. The person then clicks a CTA (call-to-action)—a message that encourages website visitors to take some action.

  3. The person is then taken to a landing page that is designed to summarize the information about your products or services.

  4. On the landing page, the person completes a form in exchange for an offer or promo, and there you have it—you have a new lead.

Ways to Generate Sales Leads

As covered in the first section, a lead is a person who has indicated interest in your company's product or service. Now, let's talk about the ways to generate sales lead.

  • Social Media

Every social media platform can be a lead-generation channel, depending on your business. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are a few examples.

  • Email Marketing

With email, you get to message people personally while sharing a blog, informing them about a product update, or offering promos. It is meant to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness.

  • PPC (pay-per-click) Ads

PPC ads appear on the first page of Google's search engine results page and take a visitor to a landing page that collects their information.

  • Display Ads

Display ads are print ads for digital media, also called banners. Design and animation should be strongly considered because they are effective elements for making people convert.

  • Content Marketing

Content is a great way to guide users to a landing page. Content can be produced in various formats, including blogs, videos, images, etc. You can include CTAs (like buttons). The more meaningful the content, the more likely they are to click a CTA and move onto your landing page.

A good lead generation process has a number of moving parts, all of which are required to best attract, nurture, and convert leads into customers. As the marketplace changes, so will your customers and leads. You should be willing to try new approaches and ideas.

Effective lead generation services provide you with the best sales leads that are fruitful for your organization. Qualified leads help your company attain an increase in productivity as well as profitability.

If you are looking for a Lead Generation Service Provider for your business, feel free to contact us. You may reach us via phone at +1 (747) 283-4767, or through email at go4globaldesign@gmail.com.

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