Benefits of APIs Integration in E-Commerce Development

February 13, 2020

Benefits of APIs Integration in E-Commerce Development

An API, or application programming interface, is a method of communication by which different applications easily and seamlessly share data between themselves. One example is the Google Maps API, which allows developers to embed maps on web pages.

APIs can significantly enhance the capabilities of your eCommerce store. The recent upward push of APIs has played a positive role in the integration of various applications. This is increasing their effect on service quality and functionality enhancement, particularly in eCommerce store development.

Benefits of Using API Integrations in Ecommerce and How It Helps Development

There are numerous APIs that can enhance the functionality of an eCommerce store. We have listed those APIs and the benefits they bring to your eCommerce store development as compared to creating those functionalities from scratch.

  1. Shipping APIs

Product shipping APIs are vital to any eCommerce store. Before, shipment handling was manual. But these days, all major shipping companies provide access to their API so that eCommerce developers can integrate these with the store directly to fulfill their orders.

Shipping API integration allows the shipment booking process to be handled automatically. This can help in:

  • shipment rate calculation right at the time of checkout in real-time for the customers.

  • Shipping labels are created, and tracking numbers are generated automatically.

  • For eCommerce store owners, API integration with shipping agencies can help even more in terms of automation, such as billing, reporting, pickup details, etc.

  1. Payment Gateway API Integration

Payment gateway APIs in eCommerce development are essential, as all eCommerce stores accept payments. Integrating payment gateways using APIs will help your customers check out products right away without having to redirect them to the payment processing website.

Payment gateway integration helps in:

  • Late payment and rejected payment management

  • Easy signup of new customers

  • Easy setup of recurring payments

  • Fraud prevention and better risk management

  1. Sales Tax Calculation APIs

Instead of managing sales tax requirements for each country or territory manually, any reliable sales tax API service provider can be integrated into your eCommerce store.

Benefits of using the sales tax calculation API include:

  • Real-time product-level sales tax calculations at the time of customer checkout

  • Sales tax handling at multiple levels, such as countries and states

  • Get segregated geographical reporting based on applicable sales tax rates.

  • Any changes in rates are automatically updated by these API providers, ensuring consistent legal compliance.

  1. Login API

The login eCommerce API helps an online retail business with identity management. It allows you to offer your customers the ability to log in to your eCommerce site using the systems they already use, such as Facebook, Google, G Suite (formerly Google Apps), etc.

  1. Site Search API

For big eCommerce sites with a wide array of products and categories, the site search eCommerce API makes searching for a particular brand, model, or product less frustrating for your customers. The API also helps your visitors discover brands or products they may not even be aware of.

  1. Anti-Fraud APIs

Companies providing anti-fraud services help eCommerce stores ensure safe eCommerce transactions and avoid the risk of online payment fraud. Anti-fraud service providers allow you to connect your eCommerce store through an API with their system, which ensures smooth, hassle-free transactions.

  1. Recommendation Engine APIs

Most top-selling eCommerce stores have already deployed these recommendation engine APIs.

Recommendation Engine APIs primary purpose is to show customers products according to their previous interests. API Integration of these paves the way for eCommerce businesses to make combined bigger sales.

The most exciting thing about these APIs is that they are related to the customer’s activity on the web and, as such, target specific likes or purchases of the customer. This not only increases the chance of a new purchase but also keeps the visitor interested in the website and compels them to look even further.


The examples listed above are just a few examples of how API integration currently fits into and supports the eCommerce revolution.

Enhancing the functionality of your site is now easier than ever to quickly and efficiently meet eCommerce trends, thanks to the growing popularity of eCommerce APIs. APIs have already changed the eCommerce industry by increasing market awareness while automating and minimizing the effort needed to get in and make an impact.

There is no need to code from scratch. All you have to do is follow the developer instructions provided by the API creator, and your website is ready to roll.

We here at Go4Global create eCommerce sites that are powerful, effective, and affordable. Our skilled team of developers works with different programming languages and platforms and has years of experience using various APIs that help e-commerce stores improve quality and enhance functionality. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your eCommerce store development.

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