The Benefits of Optimizing Your Products in E-Commerce

January 27, 2020

The Benefits of Optimizing Your Products in E-Commerce

In the world of eCommerce search marketing, oftentimes marketers focus their efforts on optimizing category pages (pages that hold products of a given category) because the relevant search terms for these pages are generally searched more and will bring in the largest amounts of traffic. This is a great on-page SEO strategy that should be the foundation for any eCommerce search engine marketing campaign; however, product-level optimizations are often overlooked. It is important to know that product-level optimization can have equal or greater impact in terms of generating revenue, which, after all, is the reason why you’re in the eCommerce business.

Many customers decide whether they want to buy your product or leave your store while they are on your product pages. So it’s really important for brands to create high-converting e-commerce product pages.

No matter how well you market your brand or how much traffic you get, you are not likely to get sales with poorly optimized product pages.

If you want to level up your product page game, check out seven of the best ways to boost your product page conversions.

Analyze Your Ecommerce Product Pages

Spend a few minutes on your product page to analyze various elements and identify the ones that need work.

You want to provide your customers with a good experience. For this, you need to first understand what your customers get while they are on your product page.

Check whether or not your e-commerce product page:

  • Loads fast

  • Engages your customers at a glance with a clear product page design

  • Provides sufficient information to help your customers buy the product they want.

  • Presents your product impressively with high-quality product photos

  • Tells your customers about your brand

  • Has compelling copy that can attract and retain customers

  • Provides a good customer experience

If any of these are true for your product page, you need to consider optimization.

Optimize Your Product Images

When it comes to e-commerce stores, some people may be hesitant to buy products that they can’t touch or feel. But the next best thing you can offer them is visual proof of what they’re going to buy.

You should make sure that your product pages display high-quality images of your products. Images that don’t load properly or aren’t clear enough to showcase the product can drive your visitors away.

In order to increase conversions, you should use images that allow shoppers to see every single detail of your product. They should be able to view the product from different angles so that they can make sure it’s really what they want. Preferably, you should include a 360-degree view of the product to properly entice and convince shoppers.

Create Compelling Product Descriptions

Your product descriptions are another crucial element to optimize. This is tricky because you need to optimize them for both search engines and users.

Optimizing your product descriptions for search engines can help you increase the visibility of your product in relevant search results. This can help you drive more traffic to your site, which could translate into more sales.

To optimize your product descriptions for the search engines, you need to follow the most effective SEO techniques, including keyword optimization. Pick relevant keywords with high search volumes and low competition for each product page. You can then use these keywords in the product title and description.

Provide Solutions to Prevent Uncertainty

Your product page should contain enough information so that shoppers don’t have to look somewhere else for information or abandon the website altogether. This means they’re going to leave the funnel, and it’ll be challenging to convert them.

You need to use the page to address uncertainties and provide answers to the most common queries, such as sizing information, shipping and return policies, etc. Make sure that you optimize the page to answer all of their questions so that they won’t abandon your site.

Product Reviews

These are essential for increasing your eCommerce website’s conversion rate. These conversion metrics, generated by converting customers, communicate to search engines how your product is perceived, liked, disliked, etc. These customer reviews are much more powerful in communicating the feedback on the product because they allow people to get insight on the product from other people, which they trust more than manufacturer or store reviews. Reviews are often most compelling when they have a star rating of some sort in combination with a written review of the product. These reviews can be taken to the next level when combined with the next product optimization process.

Recommend Products Based on Customer Behavior

If you haven’t focused on providing your shoppers with a personalized shopping experience yet, it’s high time that you do so. Personalization can help you build customer loyalty and increase the chances of repeat business.

You should take the time to optimize your product pages for an improved user experience. You can make customized product recommendations based on a customer’s browsing history, preferences, or purchase behavior.

Many e-commerce stores also display products similar to what a user is viewing. Some of them recommend products from the category in which the user makes the most purchases, while others suggest products that go well with the item the user is currently viewing. All of this can impact the store’s conversions and revenue.

Optimize Your Call-To-Action (cta) Button

The ultimate goal of your product pages is to get people to buy the product. This means they need to have a clear idea of where to go or what to do if they wish to buy the product. An add-to-cart button that requires some searching and is difficult to find defeats this purpose.

You should optimize your CTA button to stand out. While you do want to maintain the aesthetics by making sure the button matches the rest of the page, there’s such a thing as making it blend too well. When this happens, it may be difficult for shoppers to understand what they should do to buy the product.

First of all, the color of your CTA button should contrast against the rest of the page. So whether you choose to use complementary colors or colors similar to the color scheme of your page, you’ll have little trouble if there’s a high contrast.

Just changing the color of your CTA button could have a huge impact on your conversion rate.


Product optimizations are an essential part of any eCommerce marketing campaign because they allow you to reach a different market: consumers who are further into the buying process and have already selected a product. Rather than being the best eCommerce website for the consumer to browse products, product optimizations allow you to rank well for product-related terms, allowing your webpage to be one of the first options for people to buy the product online.

It takes a lot of time and marketing effort to drive targeted traffic to your e-commerce store. But all of that will be a waste if you don’t optimize your product pages to boost conversions.

You should focus on the points mentioned above to provide a better shopping experience for your customers. This can help you increase conversions and encourage your customers to shop again.

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