What Can a Full Stack Developer Do?

January 27, 2020

What Can a Full Stack Developer Do?

What is a Full-Stack Developer?

A full-stack developer is someone who is comfortable and familiar with all layers of computer software development. These developers have the knowledge and ability to take a concept and turn it into a finished product. They understand how everything works completely and can anticipate problems accordingly.

Full-stack developers are adept at both the front-end and back-end. While each "end" (front end and back end) involves learning a significant amount of knowledge, a full-stack developer can comfortably speak both database and browser. They can work with databases, HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript/Jquery, and everything in between.

Full-Stack developers are well-versed in both user experience and business logic, meaning they are not only well-equipped to get hands-on  but can also direct and consult on strategy and best practices.

What is the Workplace of a Full-Stack Developer Like?

A full-stack developer may work full-time or part-time for companies or may choose to do home-based work. If a full-stack developer chooses to work freelance, they may travel a lot. Some full-stack developers freelance their skills to different organizations, while others choose to outsource their skills using their expertise to act as consultants or independent contractors for companies.

What Can a Full-Stack Developer Do?

The idea of being a full-stack developer isn’t about knowing everything about every technology or language there is. It is more about someone being familiar with and understanding each layer and having a genuine interest in all software technology. It’s also about being able to communicate intelligently with team members and being a helpful resource if the situation requires it.

These developers will have an important role in the web development of the future and are able to look at the 'big picture'. They are knowledgeable about the client side’s user experience as well as the server side.

A full-stack developer has knowledge of all stages of software development and would be proficient, if not fluent, in:

  • UI (User Interface)

A full-stack developer understands how to create a readable layout and is able to implement a good visual design made by artists and graphic designers using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, or jQuery.

  • UX (User Experience)

A full-stack developer knows that this design discipline is also very important since it is the experience that someone has when they use a piece of technology. The goal of a UX is to make that experience a good one for all who use the Website, software, or app.

  • API layer, Action Layer, or MVC

A full-stack developer knows how the outside world operates against the business logic and data model. He is able to use various frameworks and write clear, consistent, and simple-to-use interfaces.

  • Server, Network, and Hosting Environments

Full-stack developers understand what can break and why, and they know the appropriate use of the file system, cloud storage, and network resources. They know the application scale given the hardware constraints and are working side by side with DevOps.

  • Data Modeling

Full-stack developers work with data modeling, which involves knowing how to create a reasonably normalized relational model, complete with foreign keys, views, lookup tables, indexes, etc. They are familiar with the concept of non-relational data stores and understand where they shine over relational data stores.

  • Business Logic

They have solid object-oriented skills.

  • Customer and Business Needs  

They have a grasp of what is going on when the customer uses the software; they have a grasp of the business.

Which Languages Do Full-Stack Developers Use?

Full-stack developers know and are familiar with a wide range of programming languages to accomplish their goals. These can be grouped into front-end and back-end languages.

Front-end languages are used to represent the interface, or what users see and how they experience a website. These languages include HTML, which is used to build web pages; CSS, which is used to style the HTML web pages; and Javascript, which is used to add interactivity to HTML pages.

Back-end languages are commonly used to store and manipulate data, manage user permissions, and do all of the complicated stuff required by the program. There is a wide variety of languages that can be classified as backends, including PHP, Java, Ruby, Python, Swift, and Go.

In addition to being familiar with both front-end and back-end languages, a full-stack developer should also have an understanding of the technologies that run alongside their programs. This includes the SQL database language and the HTTP communication protocol.

On a daily basis, full-stack developers will find themselves using multiple languages, but they will also find themselves working alongside dedicated front-end or back-end developers who have a much deeper understanding of their chosen trades.

To reach the level of qualification full-stack developers have, it clearly takes years of work experience in various languages, roles, and industries. Because of this, full-stack developers are few, making them very employable and in-demand.

At Go4Global, our team, which consists of full-stack developers, has years of experience building customized and unique websites for clients throughout the country and some other parts of the world. We know what makes a website stand out among others and would love to assist you, so if you’re interested, just get in touch with us and we will take care of the rest!

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