COVID-19's Impact on Ecommerce as More Shoppers Avoid Stores

April 6, 2020

COVID-19's Impact on Ecommerce as More Shoppers Avoid Stores

The coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic, which has already infected thousands of people in several countries, has made the government implement isolation and social distancing measures. With the travel bans, border closures, cities placed under lockdown, and quarantine measures, many workers cannot travel to their places of work or carry out their jobs, and students are asked to stay at home.

One of the responses we’ve seen to how people handle this period of isolation and uncertainty has been massive shifts in their shopping habits overnight.

Non-essential businesses are being ordered to close as more cities go under lockdown, and customers are generally avoiding public places. Limiting shopping for everything other than necessary essentials is becoming the new normal.

US internet users who are likely to avoid stores if the coronavirus outbreak worsens in the US, by age, february 2020

In a February 2020 Coresight Research survey, it was indicated that 58.0% of internet users would avoid public places if the coronavirus outbreak worsened in the US. It is presumed that shopping centers and malls would be the most avoided places, but more than half of the respondents said they would also avoid shops in general.

A lot of the respondents said they were likely to avoid shopping centers and malls. That’s not surprising given that COVID-19 has hit several countries hard. This could mean more people will adopt e-commerce.

For businesses already selling online, this situation can be an opportunity. Aside from the fact that many people are trying to avoid large gatherings and public places, basic necessities like toilet paper and hand sanitizer are running out in stores. Now it’s easy to see why e-commerce sales are booming.

Online Shopping Surges for Covid-19 Virus Protection

Both government officials and medical professionals are encouraging Americans to behave and keep their hands clean and away from their faces. And Americans are listening. Hand sanitizers, masks, and antibacterials are the most common virus protection products purchased online.

People are Stocking up on Medications Online

With several countries now putting in place COVID-19 travel bans to minimize the spread of the virus, U.S. consumers are stocking up on medicines, most likely to be prepared in case they do catch the virus and need to self-quarantine. According to an Adobe Blog, e-commerce transactions on medical purchases for cold, cough, and flu products have rapidly increased by 198%.

Even Toilet Paper is Being Purchased Online

In both the U.S. and Canada, physical stores are limiting the number of toilet paper rolls people can buy. No wonder online toilet paper purchases increased.

Online Shopping to Fill the Pantry

Canned goods, shelf-stable items, and other non-perishable items (like meats, tuna, oatmeal, rice, fruits and vegetables, and bottled water) are common staples in emergency preparation.

Fashion and Beauty Product Shopping Online

As the world faces this pandemic in unified isolation, retailers of fashion and beauty are shutting their doors around the world. However, they are encouraging their customers to shop online instead.

Right now, as customers increasingly use digital practices to prepare for a possible emergency, retailers need to ensure smooth, continuous, and fast experiences on their eCommerce websites and mobile applications. Meeting your customers’ needs and expectations at a time like this is crucial; it could either make or break your brand.

Your business needs a platform where you can sell your products online. Developing your own e-commerce website is a perfect platform for this, especially at times like this. But regardless, having your own e-commerce website is an indispensable way to grow your business to a higher level.

Go4Global is a digital agency offering various online services, including e-commerce website and mobile app development. We create eCommerce sites that are powerful, effective, and affordable. Get in touch with us today and let us help your business succeed online.

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