Why are Web Applications Necessary for Your Website?

March 31, 2020

Why are Web Applications Necessary for Your Website?

When someone says "website," you should think simple, single-page sites or marketing websites. Websites are developed using HTML, CSS, and maybe a little bit of JavaScript. No other programming language is required, and neither is a database.

As per a web server survey conducted by websitehostingrating.com, there were 1,744,517,326 websites as of January 1st, 2020. This number is rapidly increasing as we speak. Websites are essential for any startup or small business to become more relevant and increase their presence online.

But hold on. There is another term that is highly synonymous with a website and is used a lot these days. This term is "web application," or simply put, a web app.

Web applications are a whole different term. Like desktop applications (Word, Photoshop, and Skype), web applications are dynamic and ever-changing. Web applications rely on you to interact with them, whether by making your own content, like on Facebook, Twitter, or Youtube, or by gathering data from other sources and presenting it to you.

Unlike a website, which is only built with HTML, CSS, and a bit of JS, a Web application is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but also uses programming languages like PHP, Ruby, or Python and frameworks like Rails, Django, and CakePHP. A web application almost always uses databases, and because of that, they are called dynamic.

Websites and Web Applications: What’s the Difference?

Website vs. Web App

  1. A static website is meant to display specific information to the visitor. Whereas a web application interacts with the user, thus requiring their response.

  2. Examples of websites include informative websites, advertisement websites, and the like. Examples of web apps are social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter, eCommerce stores such as eBay, and entertainment portals like Netflix, among others.

  3. Websites enable one-way communication where a user visits a website, goes through the information on the website, and leaves. A web application, on the other hand, enables a two-way interaction wherein a user carries out certain activities on a website, which also prompt responses from the website server.

Advantages of a Web App

Almost every modern website is indeed a web application. In a world where people’s attention spans are really short, you need a platform that a user simply cannot resist leaving. That is exactly what a web app does, and that is why they have the edge in comparison to static websites.

Here Are Some Of The Greatest Advantages Of A Web App For Businesses:

  1. Modern browsers allow websites to execute a lot more actions than ever before. Through a web app, you can have users receive notifications so they’re constantly updated on your business services.

  2. If you lack the budget for mobile app development, a web app will do. The progress in development has come so far that everything possible on a mobile app can be done with a web app.

  3. A web app can be a great way to track and obtain relevant data from your customers to cater to their needs. Since they’re accessed from the web browser itself, they’re not as invasive as mobile apps.

  4. Web-Based Apps are Internet-enabled apps that are accessed through the mobile's web browser. Therefore, you don't need to download or install them.

Why is a Web Application Necessary for Your Website?

Web applications have become an important part of business in today's world. Businesses can now improve, develop, and achieve their objectives much faster. These web applications can help target numerous customers and clients at a time and interact with them. Businesses are embracing this aspect of the internet by creating web applications with the help of web developers to meet their business demands. Web applications are important for a number of reasons.

Publicity and Branding

When businesses have web applications, it is always possible for them to see their market share grow. While larger companies can afford to hire development teams to create their own web applications, smaller companies outsource the work to web development companies to get the same advantage at a reduced cost. It helps businesses reach new customers and let them know about the organization and the services provided by it.

In the branding process, web applications play a crucial role. With their support, establishing a proper channel of contact between potential clients and the business organization is easier. The distribution of product knowledge can be increased through this. There is also a rise in opportunities to market goods and services. At the same time, the popularity of the organization gets boosted, and lead generation improves.

With the help of e-commerce developers, the company can acquire a whole new market for sales, especially through the use of Android.

Customer Support

Web Applications have functionalities for enhanced customer support. Web applications can become the first line of contact between potential customers and the business. Even location is no longer a limitation in communicating with their help. Of course, only a nice development company can ensure such functionality in their application.

Competitive Edge

The current scenario has become so highly competitive in the business world that it has become more important to have web applications dedicated to the organization's cause. These applications can become an important tool to attract clients. With the use of iOS and Android applications, businesses can use smart phones to market their goods and services.


If we compare a website to a web application, it is undoubtedly clear that web apps are the better choice among the two. There will not be any reason for you to not hire a web application development company and build a quality web application, unless you are a small business that has nothing to offer its customers apart from some information.

A web application is necessary for your business because it plays a crucial role In publicity and branding, provides an enhanced customer support system, and can be your very edge among your competitors.

Web applications have become an important part of business in today's world. Businesses can now improve, develop, and achieve their objectives much faster than ever before, and these are exactly what web applications do best!

Contact us now if you’re looking for a quality web app development team that creates unique, efficient web applications that meet your specific demands or requirements and fit seamlessly into your business.

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Ready to elevate your online presence?

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